Conflict and Humanitarian Crises Initiative - Mission
The upsurge in conflicts around the globe means that the number of displaced people - refugees and those displaced within their own country - has doubled in the past ten years and the cost of assistance has tripled. With this population of almost 60 million refugees and internally displaced people, the international humanitarian system - donor countries, the UN agencies and NGOs - are stressed and strained as never before.
They are facing a facing a set of tasks more complex, expensive and dangerous than ever. The tool kit for dealing with these tasks is woefully inadequate and the resources being provided do not come close meeting the needs.
Dealing with this global emergency will require new, multi-faceted approaches that include a willingness to experiment with innovative models of assistance delivery, continued pursuit of efficiency and less waste, increased generosity from donor governments, expanded engagement from the private sector and a role for development agencies in protracted displacement situations. This is a global challenge of long duration.
Our mission is to initiate and advocate for improvements and innovations that make the humanitarian system work better.
Refugees feeling ISIS attempt to enter Turkey