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Global Enterprise and Emerging Markets - Functions


Public-Private Decision-Makers’ Roundtables  

One core GEEM activity is the organization and hosting of an annual series of thematic-specific strategy roundtables that provide intimate, neutral venues for off-the-record discussion among senior decision-makers from the corporate, finance, and policy-making/NGO sectors from both emerging markets and advanced countries.   


The GEEM Roundtables are structured to build operational consensus about the design of concrete paths forward to address specific investment opportunities and risks in emerging markets, particularly investments that yield high commercial returns as well as meet national development objectives.


The participants in the GEEM Roundtables will be high-level officials with decision-making authority from:

  • private sector corporations and other businesses;

  • commercial institutional investors, banks, private equity funds and pension funds;

  • governmental agencies and entities, including sovereign wealth funds and state-owned enterprises;

  • international financial institutions, multilateral development banks and bilateral donors;

  • labor unions, environmental advocacy groups and other NGO stakeholders;

  • universities, think tanks and other educational institutions.



Thought Leadership


Being a forum for readily accessible thought leadership and applied research is another core GEEM activity.  This includes a GEEM Working Papers Series and, depending on funding, a new quantitative, firm-level, in-country GEEM Survey on Business Opportunities and Risks in Emerging Markets.   The focus of the GEEM thought leadership is squarely on bringing to light practical and strategic insights for business practitioners and concrete lessons for reform of public policy.


The thought leadership activities serve both as a fulcrum to help drive the substantive focus of the Roundtables’ discussions as well as to inform the general public—both in advanced countries and emerging markets--of GEEM’s work.   


A variety of outputs are produced, including pithy points of view on timely/topical issues for publication as Op-Eds; compilation of firm-, sectoral- and/or country-level case studies; identification and assessment of best practices in policy formulation and execution; and applied research on a cross-country/cross-sectoral and/or a time series basis to provide systematic comparisons of investment activity, policies and performance at the national, regional, or global levels. 


GEEM’s thought leadership agenda spans multiple disciplines and levels of analysis; it also spans a geographical array of emerging markets as well as a diversity of industry sectors.  Faculty across all of SAIS’s departments and degree programs—including in Nanjing and Bologna--as well as of other Schools of the University are engaged.


Annual GEEM Flagship Conference


Consideration is being given to holding a one-day long GEEM Annual Flagship Conference.  Such a conference would provide a forum for mixing insights from practitioners with contributions by academics and scholars from both emerging markets and advanced countries. 

© 2015 The Foreign Policy Institute

The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)

The Johns Hopkins University

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